Public Hearings will be held before the Tyrone Planning Commission on September 14th, 2023 and before the Tyrone Town Council on October 5th, 2020 at Tyrone Town Hall, 881 Senoia Road, Tyrone, GA beginning at 7:00pm. The purpose of these hearings will be for the following:
To consider a petition from applicant Michael Swift for the rezoning of a 4.43 acre tract with parcel number 0727 001 at property address 912 Tyrone Road. The proposed rezoning will be from AR (Agricultural Residential) to R-18 (Residential 1800 s.f. min. home size).
The purpose of these hearings will be Information pertaining to this hearing can be obtained at Tyrone Town Hall Monday-Friday 8:00am-5:00pm or via info@tyrone.org | (770) 881-8322