The following was included in our December 2024 Email Update to citizens.
We continue to get questions from citizens wanting to know when the Tyrone post office will re-open. Unfortunately, not much has changed since our last official update, but here's what we know at this time:
- The interior remodel has been substantially complete for months.
- The USPS has had the keys to the building and the ability to re-open at any time since March. This is 100% in their hands.
- A new postmaster has been appointed for a few months now, but even she did not have a set date for the location to open when she last communicated with us.
- The last official communication we received from the USPS was in July and we shared that with you. Here it is again: "After speaking with facilities officials. . . I am confirming that the USPS has no current plans to close the Tyrone Post Office. . .Our current plan is to inspect the facility at the end of the month to verify that all repairs have been completed to our specifications. Pending the outcome of the inspection, the Postal Service must ensure the facility is appropriately equipped for retail service and occupancy. This work is anticipated to last through the end of August and potentially the end of September. At that time, we expect to have better information on a timeframe for the facility to resume operations."
The USPS has not communicated with the Town since.
- The Town has exhausted every means at our disposal to communicate your frustration and attempt to expedite the location's re-opening. This includes multiple communications with Federal elected officials.
In short, we hear and share your frustration but we cannot provide you with a timeline for the USPS to get our post office back online. We will update the public again as soon as we have more information for you.
If you would like more information, please feel free to reach out directly to those who have control over this matter:
USPS: 1-800-275-8777
Congressman Drew Ferguson: 202-225-5901
Senator Jon Ossoff: 202-224-3521
Senator Raphael Warnock: 202-224-3643